Kerry Temple, editor of ND Magazine, also wrote about Sister Jean in his blog and beautifully captured her spirit and impact on the ND community:
Sister Jean was a storyteller at heart, one of the best I've ever met. She loved to tell stories and knew the power of a well-told tale. One of my current writing projects I'm working on is a screenplay about Sister Jean's life at Notre Dame--the drama of being a pioneer when ND turned co-ed and admitted women after 130 years as an all-male bastion. As Jim Langford, former editor of Notre Dame Press, said to me recently when I shared the idea of my screenplay with him, "Yes! We need more stories about heroic women." Sister Jean was heroic but in an unaffected, humble way. This summer I'm carving out writing time to draft the screenplay, drawing on what I learned when I took a screenwriting class in grad school at Minnesota State University, Mankato. I'd love for more people to get to know Sister Jean's story.