Time to celebrate the stories, the poems, the music, the art.
Time to celebrate "What Feeds Us," what sustains us, what allows us to thrive as writers, artists, creators, lovers of language and images.
Plan to join us for readings, panels and events on campus at SMSU, as well as a Children's Reading by Native American writer Cheryl Minnema at the new Children's Wing in the Marshall-Lyon County Library, Sat., Oct. 24, 2-3 p.m., and Spoken Word Night at Brau Brothers Tap Room, Sat., Oct. 24, 9-11 p.m.
The complete Marshall Festival '15 schedule is listed here and below, and all events are free and open to the public.
Spread the word--we're throwing another good party at Marshall Festival '15, and everyone is welcome!
Many thanks to the generous sponsorship of Marshall Festival '15 provided by SMSU's Access Opportunity Success (AOS) program and the SMSU Office of Diversity and Inclusion that makes it possible to fund our Native American writers who are past contributors to Yellow Medicine Review, SMSU's journal of indigenous voices.
Sincere thanks also to the SMSU Foundation for their financial support, and to the SMSU Alumni Association for their help publicizing the event to our graduates.
Marshall Festival ’15: What Feeds Us
A Celebration of Rural Writing and Culture
The Festival Organizers have made every effort to reduce the possibility of late changes in the schedule; nevertheless, you can find out about daily last-minute changes at the Information Table in the SMSU Upper Level Conference Center lobby, the Barnes & Noble Book Store, or the SMSU English Department in BA 221. You may also call the English Department at 507-537-7155.
Thursday, Oct. 22
Afternoon Session Readings & Events
Mix & Mingle: Coffee & tea
SMSU Upper Level Conference Center
Official Opening: Welcome by President Connie J. Gores
SMSU Upper Level CC
SMSU Upper Level CC
Choose one:
Track 1: Dana Yost: Power to the Prairie: Ed Gits and Minneota Go Electric Alan Davis: Stories from Alone with the Owl
Track 2: Christine Stewart-Nunez, Mary Haug, & Amber Jensen:
A Creative Nonfiction Reading: From Workshop to Publication
1:45-2 Book signings--SMSU Upper Level CC Lobby
Choose one:
Track 1: Steve Linstrom and Jim Zarzana: Read Local–Creating a Market for Locally Produced Writing
Track 2: Kris Bigalk and Matt Mauch: Poetry—Rural Roots to Urban Moves
2:45-3 Book signings--SMSU Upper Level CC Lobby
Choose one:
Track 1: Larry Gavin and Michael Catherwood: A Poetry Reading
Track 2: Julie Walker, Ben Walker, Larry Montello, Kristen Treinen: The Powerful Uses of Personal Narrative
3:45-4 Book signings--SMSU Upper Level CC Lobby
Choose one:
Track 1: Connie Claire Szarke & Rachael Hanel: A Fiction & Nonfiction Reading
Track 2: Zeke Jarvis: A Poetry Reading; Sharon Chmielarz: The Prairie: Your Soulscape? Poems about the Prairie & Its People
4:45 Group book signings – SMSU Lower Level CC
5:00 Dinner on your own
7-8:00 An Evening of Stories with Susan Power & Gordon Henry—SMSU Upper Level Conference Center
Friday, Oct. 23
Morning Session Readings & Events
Mix & Mingle: Coffee & tea
SMSU Lower Level Conference Center
Choose one:
Track 1: Carter Meland & Natanya Pulley: Rabbit Vengeance & Cannibal Spirits
Track 2: Gabrielle Cohrs, Daniel Kilkelly, Madeline Robertson, SMSU Creative Writing Alumni: Don't Quit Your Day Job.....Yet: How to Make Your Creativity Marketable
10:45-11 Book signings--SMSU Upper Level CC
Choose one:
Track 1: James Autio & Dawn Quigley: The Role of Ethnicity and Culture in Creative Work
Track 2: Lisa Lucas Hurst & Paul Theobald: Promoting and Preserving Rural Literature
12:00 Lunch on your own
Choose one:
Track 1: Anthony Neil Smith & Ben Sobieck: Writing the Oil Boom: The New North Dakota
Track 2: Saara Myrene Raapana & Kevin Zepper: A Poetry Reading
Black Box, Fine Arts Building:
Performance of “Ady” by Rhiana Yazzie
Yellow Medicine Review Writers: A Reading
SMSU Upper Level CC
4:45 Group book signings – SMSU Lower Level CC
5:00 Dinner on your own
An Evening of Poetry: Philip Dacey & David Allan Evans
SMSU Upper Level Conference Center
Saturday, Oct. 24
Mix & Mingle: Coffee & tea
SMSU Lower Level Conference Center
10:00 Cheryl Minnema & Pauline Danforth: Listening to
Our Ancestors’ Stories While Creating Our Own
11:00 Gordon Henry & Trevino Brings Plenty:
12:00 Lunch on your own
1:00 Susan Power & Rhiana Yazzie: Taking Back Our
World—Indigenous Artists Reclaim Power through
2:00 Cheryl Minnema, Children’s Reading of Hungry Johnny, Children’s
Wing, Marshall-Lyon County Library
SMSU Upper Level Conference Center
2:00 Benjamin Walker, Kevin Zepper, Nick White:
Spoken Word Panel
3:00 Barton Sutter, Susan McLean, Jan D. Hodge: Pro
Forma: What Poetry in Form Can Do That Free
Verse Can’t
4:00 Lucy Tokheim, Edie Barrett, Lauren Carlson: The
Power of Place
4:45-5:15 Group book signings – SMSU Lower Level CC
5-6:30 Marshall Festival ’15 “What Feeds Us”
Farewell Potluck Dinner - SMSU Campus Religious Center
All Welcome!
An Evening of Music and Poetry with Bart & Ross Sutter
SMSU Upper Level Conference Center
Spoken Word Night, Brau Brothers Tap Room
Featured Spoken Word Performers:
Trevino Brings Plenty, Sarah Agaton Howes, Nick White
Master of Ceremonies: SMSU Professor Ben Walker
Followed by SMSU student spoken word performers
A free will offering will benefit Yellow Medicine Review,
SMSU’s literary journal of indigenous voices.