Like delicious food? Crave good poetry?
Join me this Saturday, Jan. 6, at Trev's Kitchen, a wonderful new restaurant in Lynd, just outside of Marshall, for both great food and soul-warming poetry.
Come for dinner and stay for a poetry reading by area writers, including the editors of the anthology, Phyllis Cole-Dai and Ruby Wilson, as well as Susan McLean, Saara Myrene Raappana, Christine Stewart-Nunez, Dana Yost, and myself, Marianne Murphy Zarzana.
This new book, Poetry of Presence: An Anthology of Mindfulness Poems, published in September 2017 by Grayson Books, includes over 150 poems, some by South Dakota and Minnesota poets, as well as Nobel Prize and Pulitzer Prize winning poets. I'm honored to have two of my previously published poems, "Saying Our Names" and "Savasana: Corpse Pose," selected for this beautiful anthology.
This reading will be a wonderful way to welcome in the New Year.
There will be a FREE fruit and veggie appetizers offered during the reading, and signed copies of the book will be available for purchase. Books by the poets present will be available for purchase as well.
Each book purchased at the event will have a bookmark and an attached coupon for a free feature cocktail, fountain beverage, or small coffee drink from Trev's Kitchen.
Go to this Facebook event site to let us know you'll be with us this Saturday: