On the website www.talkingdogpress, Oveson writes, "So often, I am cooking in the kitchen and always making more than I need. Many of the best things don’t fit on the plate and go into the refrigerator only to be forgotten. These usually end up becoming scraps for the dog." For Kitchen Scraps, "We are looking for works that didn’t quite fit in your other collections for whatever reason. Once a year, we send out invitations to authors whose work we have been impressed with. The theme of this publication is 'there is nothing too fatty, sweet, hard, or grisly.' If you have pieces that may have been too harsh, or not 'quite right' for other editors, they will find a home here."
Oveson's first issue of Kitchen Scraps includes poems by SMSU professor emeritus Leo Dangel as well as current SMSU writing professors Susan McLean, Adrian C. Louis, David Pichaske, Anthony Neil Smith, and myself.
Many thanks to Chris Oveson, my colleague in the SMSU English Department, for creating Kitchen Scraps and for generously inviting me and other writers to submit our work.