This weekend I attended an inspiring memoir workshop in Ortonville, Minnesota taught by Maureen Murdock. Murdock is the author of the bestselling book, The Heroine's Journey, Woman's Quest for Wholeness. She has also written Unreliable Truth: On Memoir and Memory, Spinning Inward, and Fathers' Daughters: Breaking the Ties that Bind.
The workshop was hosted by the Big Stone Arts Council in an effort to expand high quality art experiences in rural areas. The powerful stories people wrote and shared throughout the weekend moved all of us to laughter as well as tears. At the end of the workshop, Maureen asked us to complete the sentence, "I write because...". The answers were beautiful and as varied as the wide range of our life experiences.
Maureen will be offering a tele-workshop on "Making Meaning from Myth and Memoir" on Tuesday evenings on Oct. 4 through Nov. 1. I encourage you to sign up and attend this workshop from the comfort of your home. Maureen is a wise, compassionate, brilliant teacher. If you have stories to tell, Maureen's books and her workshops may be just what you've been seeking.